I feel like there's the beginning of a decent game here. It's just lacking a lot of polish and clarity.
Some feedback:
The hit box is hard to understand. Sometimes when I think I hit something with my sword my armor was hurt. All around, it's hard to tell how attacking works. Some visual feedback when I hurt the enemies would help a lot, even just a blinking red.
The enemies are all the same so far except for shape. They just move from one side to the other in a line. Some variety in the movements would really be nice.
I think the art is decent, but it's really lacking in contrast.
[because I can't reply to your response I'll do it here]
Then I'd really like to see more of that from the beginning. If your game shines near the end then you need a hook to carry the player through. You could have the greatest overall game but it does no good if the start is a drag and no one gets to it.
Also I'd add it to the description. Your description basically calls your own game a waste of time. If you think your game is more than that, then tell your players.